About Me
Hi there! Welcome to woodworkinghomestead.com. My name is Gary Savage, and I live in northern Louisiana. I’ve built many things in my life from wood including furniture, sheds, fences, as well as homes. My occupation throughout my life has been residential design, and I’ve drawn thousands of homes in my area. You can visit planshoppe.net to get information concerning that aspect of my life.
When I’m not drawing, I’m usually outside building something using all the tremendous resources of wood available around here. And that's the reason for beginning my website … a love of writing and sharing with others the potential of creating projects which benefit the builder with a lifetime of use.
DIY is a fantastic way to obtain useful objects and structures, with the main cost being only your time and effort. Your labor will become a hobby with benefits! Most hobbies don't have such residual benefits, but building something which can last a lifetime is a GREAT way to spend your spare time and get ahead in life. (This reminds me of my Daddy. He told me he never understood why folks exercised. He loved to build things too, and said you can get all the exercise you need by building things and have the benefit of it! That always made sense to me.)
I love to learn, and enjoy sharing what I’ve learned with others in the hope that they can benefit themselves. I have a ton of interests, and I’ll be sharing some of them with you, along with projects I’ve built throughout my life. Thankfully, I've taken a lot of pictures along the way, and its a blast to go down memory lane talking about them. I'll also share a few personal stories that you might find interesting and fun to read.
I’ll be updating the blog as often as possible, so please check back often by bookmarking this page and checking my updates by clicking on the blog section up top. Thanks for visiting, and let’s get busy!
Gary Savage is a home designer, woodworker, author, musician, as well as an occasional home builder. He also blogs in his spare time. If you would like to contact Gary for a guest post on your site or serve as a ghost writer, just contact him here: